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Know-how Kidney Cyst can lead you to Kidney Failure

Kidney cysts usually refer to small, round sacs with a thin wall, filled with fluid. As you age, you may see cysts developing on the surface of your kidneys or in structures inside your kidneys known as Nephrons. Kidney cysts can vary in size, although most of them are less than 2 inches wide. Some growths are benign, whereas others may keep on growing. In most of the cases, cysts don’t affect the functioning of your kidneys. In severe cases, a very large cyst can cause serious pain. Your doctor may also keep a check on any suspicious kidney cysts that could cause you major health issues in the future. Kidney Cyst Treatment in Ayurveda makes use of Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Cyst, along with dietary precautions and other factors.

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What is a kidney cyst?

Since kidneys perform the vital functions of filtering the blood and removing the wastes from the body, it is vital that you keep a check on any abnormalities associated with them. A kidney cyst refers to a well-defined round fluid-filled pouch. In normal circumstances, cysts develop outside our kidneys, though, in some rare cases these cysts may also grow within the kidneys. Cysts in the kidneys are benign and rarely cause any major discomfort, though, in some cases they grow pretty large and interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys. Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Cyst has gained a lot of traction in the recent past due to its efficacy and safety. There are two types of kidney cysts:

  • Simple kidney cysts: They are almost always non-cancerous (benign). In fact, you may not even notice them, until they show up in tests. These types of cysts normally don't require any treatment. 
  • Complex kidney cysts: These types of cysts have the potential to turn cancerous as the time progresses. Complex kidney cysts could have a solid texture (i.e. not filled with fluid) and they come with a thick outer wall. Complex cysts are far less common than simple cysts.

Kidney cysts can lead to a variety of complications like:

  • An increased risk of kidney infections, urinary blockage, and high blood pressure
  • Cysts can also rupture inside your body, leading to severe bleeding which may be fatal
  • As time progresses, large cysts may interfere with the normal functioning of the kidney, some can even cause renal failure
  • Cysts leading to sepsis has also been reported in some patients

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Some tests and procedures are used to diagnose kidney cysts such as imaging tests, CT and Ultrasound. These tests help determine whether the presence of mass in the kidneys is a cyst or a tumour. Additionally, some doctors also recommend kidney function tests to arrive at a conclusion w.r.t the presence of cysts in the kidney.

The most common symptom of kidney cysts is the presence of a mild pain in the side or the lower back. Other than this, fever, chills, blood in the urine, nausea, vomiting and a constant feeling of stomach being full is also reported in some patients. Kidney cysts can potentially lead to declining renal functions and can have fatal consequences. Kidney cyst treatment can be allopathic or you can also opt for Ayurvedic treatment for kidney cyst. 

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Why does Ayurveda need the hour for curing kidney cysts?

Kidney Cyst Ayurvedic Treatment is safe and it makes use of Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Cyst. Additionally, you also get dietary recommendations on lifestyle modifications to improve your overall kidney health. However, be sure to consult your healthcare provider before consuming any medicine. Some of the most common Ayurvedic Medicines for Kidney Cyst used in the Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Cyst are:

  • Ushira (Vetiver): This herb has shown promising results in reducing the size of cysts in the kidneys.
  • Punarnava: Punarnava has diuretic properties and has shown good results in reducing the size of the cyst and improving the overall kidney health. Boil 1 teaspoon of Punarnava powder in a cup of water till the mixture gets reduced to half. Strain the mixture and drink it 2 times a day.
  • Gokshura: Gokshura has been quite effective in treating urinary tract infections, inflammation of the kidneys, and other kidney-related issues such as cysts.
  • Pippali: Pippali, with its anti-inflammatory properties, helps in reducing swelling caused by cysts in the kidneys.

In addition to the Ayurvedic medicine for kidney cyst mentioned above, kidney cyst ayurvedic treatment also offers dietary recommendations for kidney cyst patients. You should consume a low-sodium, low-fat diet. Make sure to add food items that are high in fibre. Additionally, fruits and veggies such as watermelon, seasonal fruits, berries, bananas etc. also help cyst patients. Keep yourself well-hydrated and completely avoid alcohol and caffeinated products. On the contrary, foods with high sugar and salt content must be avoided. Refrain from processed meats, fried frozen foods, fast food, red meat, cheese, beverages loaded with sugar.

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Disclaimer: We recommend you take a prescription from your doctor before taking such remedies into practice. A kidney cyst is a progressive condition that needs to be controlled in time. We recommend opting for Ayurveda for the genuine revival of the capabilities. If you are already pursuing a treatment, we strictly advise you not to make any changes in your schedule or diet without consulting your doctor or dietitian. Book Your Appointment Now! Call at our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

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Patient Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a kidney cyst and why is it important to treat it?

    A fluid-filled sac that can form inside or outside the kidneys. Most of the kidney cysts are benign, however, some of them could increase in size, leading to fatal consequences. It is vital that you diagnose the disease early and act fast to minimise your treatment costs and pain.

  • Certain genetic conditions like polycystic kidney disease (PKD), age-related changes in the body etc. are responsible for cysts, however, simple kidney cysts are very common.

  • You should know that many kidney cysts don’t cause any pain or often they are discovered via tests. A mild pain in the side or lower back of the body, fever, chills, blood in the urine, nausea, vomiting etc. could be the symptoms which you may encounter.

  • Imaging tests such as ultrasound are often used to detect the presence of cysts in the kidneys.

  • Small, asymptomatic cysts don’t usually involve any major treatment. Surgical removal for larger or complicated cysts is often recommended. Additionally, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney cyst has also gained traction in recent times.

  • Ayurvedic treatment for kidney cysts involves the use of kidney cyst medicine and dietary modifications. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney cysts like Punarnava, Gokshura, and Varun are helpful in inhibiting cyst growth in the kidney. Yoga and meditation are also recommended to patients in kidney cyst treatment in Ayurveda for proper stress-management.

  • Avoid processed foods, reduce your salt in-take and drink at least 10 glasses of water each day. Avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol is also recommended to cyst patients to improve the overall health of the kidneys.

  • Not really, however, you can reduce your chances of developing cysts by keeping your kidneys healthy. Eat a well-balanced diet, stay well-hydrated and avoid caffeinated products.

  • Untreated kidney cysts may result in infections, bleeding, rupture, high blood pressure etc. Cysts can also cause sepsis in some cases. It is always a wise idea to consult your doctor immediately, if there are cysts in your kidneys.

  • Yes, but they can be managed quite easily. You need to understand the underlying cause of the cysts and focus on eliminating them completely to avoid a recurrence of cysts.

  • Staying well-hydrated is vital for healthy kidneys and if your kidneys are healthy, the chances of them developing cysts go down drastically. So, keep a water bottle handy all the time!

  • Lifestyle changes like having a balanced diet, stress-management, Yoga, breathing exercises etc. strengthen the immunity of your overall body. If your body is immune from the outside invaders, it's only natural that your kidneys would also receive the benefit of your strong immunity. So, be active, eat a well-balanced diet and keep stress at bay.

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