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What if you are diagnosed with kidney disease?

When you are diagnosed with a kidney problem, see a kidney doctor or nephrologist immediately. In this era, finding the right doctor can be a challenging task. Therefore, one needs to do some research on their own to avail the best kidney disease cure.

A nephrologist or kidney doctor is a kidney specialist who has studied kidneys and their best cure. As a result, the doctor can help you manage your kidney problem and living a healthy life. In short, a nephrologist can help maximize your kidney functionality to stay healthy and keep your kidneys working efficiently for longer.

How does a Nephrologist do it?

Your nephrologist works closely with you to prepare a kidney care plan best fitting for your kidney problem as per your health needs. It’s a complete treatment plan that you need to follow for the best cure. Apart from the treatment, the nephrologist may also do;

  • Monitor your lab test results closely
  • Entertain you on your different queries related to health
  • Make some changes in your kidney treatment and care plan
  • Work with other doctors for your other health disorders
  • Suggest to prepare for some future complications

When we talk about an Ayurvedic Nephrologist, his role is a little more different and extended as per his healing methodology. An Ayurvedic kidney expert in India follows an ancient healing approach and suggests a complete Kidney treatment in an Ayurveda package for your kidney problem after taking into account your body type, symptoms, and a few other aspects. The most interesting feature of this treatment is that it uses some herbal medications that help fight your kidney complications and stimulate your kidney functionality by restoring the damage. The final goal of an Ayurvedic Kidney Specialist is to maximize your kidney functionality by repairing your kidneys.

Apart from that, herbal medications and some age-old therapies, your ayurvedic doctor for kidney may also suggest you;

  • A personalized diet plan
  • Some Yoga poses with meditation
  • Some alterations in your daily life

When combined with these tips, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment works amazingly well to cure your kidney problem.

What makes an ayurvedic doctor better than an Allopathic doctor for kidneys?

Ayurveda is an age-old healing methodology that uses several classic herbal formulations with some ancient healing and restorative therapies. With these healing tactics, Ayurvedic treatment focuses on providing lasting relief to your kidney problem by removing kidney complications and triggering your kidney health naturally.

Ayurveda works on the core of the body, mainly Dosha properties. According to Ayurveda, the human body has three doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. And a balanced condition of these Doshas forms good health by ensuring that each body organ is functioning correctly. However, if any dosha disturbs, one may start experiencing some health issues as per disturbed dosha. There are many other vital energies that are also responsible for good health. When such energies’ levels disturb, many health problems may occur.

In Ayurveda, kidney diseases are described as Mootra Dosh Vikara, which means Urinary disorder. Your kidneys are Medovaha Srotas. Medavoha Srotas means channels of Adipose Tissue.

Mootra dosha Vikara occurs due to vitiated Doshas that may occur as a result of some unhealthy habits such as intake of unhealthy drinks and food, sexual intercourse, even having the urge to urinate, suppressing the urge to urinate, malnutrition or some traumatic injury, etc.

In other words, kidney disease commonly occurs due to blockage of minute body channels known as Shrotas. In kidney disease, Mutravaha Srotas are involved. These srotas are responsible for carrying urine and also responsible for the flow of liquid into and out of the kidneys.

If there are blockages in the incoming Shrotas, kidneys do not get sufficient fluid; consequently shrinkage occurs. But if the outgoing channels get blocked, swelling occurs.

When it comes to Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, an Ayurvedic kidney doctor works to strengthen kidneys, reviving the general functioning of the kidneys. In this treatment process, Ayurvedic doctor for the kidney utilizes many herbal medicines with some ancient healing therapies.

Some common therapies used in kidney disease treatment are Shodana Therapy, Panchkarma therapies, Sirodhara, and many more.

Apart from that, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease also tells you to follow some lifestyle alterations that mainly include.

  • Restricting sodium intake by minimizing salt content in your diet.
  • Reduce potassium, and protein amount in your diet.
  • Avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • Don’t smoke or drink.
  • Practice meditation to manage stress and thus controlling blood pressure.
  • Avoid sugar content to manage your blood sugar level.

By using a personalized set of some natural therapies and herbal formulations, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment offers a permanent cure by strengthening your kidneys’ health and reviving their functionality.

Dr. Puneet: Background & Experience!

Kidney expert Dr. Puneet holds a BAMS from a reputed college of Delhi University. He is from the fifth generation of a family serving kidney patients with Ayurveda’s healing property. Enriched with deep knowledge of Ayurvedic treatment and practices, Dr. Puneet has brought a change in the life of numerous patients. His healing approach follows the ancient healing methodology of offering a personalized Ayurvedic kidney treatment for each patient. And he doesn’t follow or support the conventional treatment methodology of ‘One fits all. Due to his entirely personalized Ayurvedic treatment for kidney maladies, he has gained expertise in curing many diseases related to your bean-shaped organs. His quality Ayurvedic treatment has helped a large chunk of the population to move to Ayurveda from conventional treatment systems.

With his remarkable contribution to society, kidney specialist Dr. Puneet has received many awards and acknowledgments from different government and non-gov organizations. The awards he has achieved are the outcome of his relentless dedication to the betterment of kidney patients. Experience the divine effect of the traditional healing system by connecting with Ayurvedic doctor Puneet for any kidney complications.

Experience the benefits of Ayurveda for kidney complications. Connect with Dr. Puneet for a consultation today!


Consult your doctor before starting any new treatment. Kidney disease is a serious condition that requires timely management. Ayurvedic treatments offer a holistic approach to health, but always follow medical advice for the best results. For appointments, call our 24×7 helpline: +91-9821929797 or visit

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."


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