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Ayurvedic Kidney Hospital in Sootea

Suffering from a kidney disease means the functioning of your kidneys is going down. An imperfect filtering of blood leads to a buildup of waste and toxins in The body. If not treated timely, your kidneys may fail. Apart from the traditional clinical treatment, an Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney diseases has gained traction in Recent times. The biggest USP of an Ayurvedic treatment is a complete non-existence of side effects. Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and holistic too. An ayurvedic ayurvedic kidney hospital in Sootea will treat your kidney ailments with the help of Ayurvedic herbs and also advise you on diet changes.

Ayurvedic Treatment: A Brief Overview

Ayurveda views diseases as an imbalance between the various doshas in The body, same is true for Kidney diseases. Ayurveda tries to correct the balance between the pitta, vata, and kapha doshas in The body so that the body is in Harmony with nature. Ayurvedic treatment is non-invasive and herbal and it makes use of Ayurvedic herbs to treat the various complexities associated with kidney diseases.

Top ayurvedic ayurvedic kidney hospital in Sootea

Karma Ayurveda Hospital is the best ayurvedic ayurvedic kidney hospital in Sootea. Established in 1937, Karma Ayurveda has a rich legacy of eight decades. Currently, it is headed by Dr. Puneet Dhawan, one of the leading Ayurvedic kidney doctors in The world. Dr. Dhawan leads a team of expert nephrologists to help you get an all-inclusive cure for Your kidney disease.

Karma Ayurveda’s unique treatment methods are based on natural methods to treat kidney diseases. Potent Ayurvedic herbs are used to treat kidney ailments. Apart from this, patients are advised on their diet so that their renal health sees a marked improvement. Karma Ayurveda also carries out a thorough follow-up for The patients so that their progress is monitored minutely.

Ayurvedic Treatments

As mentioned briefly in The introduction, Ayurvedic treatment makes use of herbal medicines to treat various kidney diseases. Some of the most widely used Ayurvedic herbs are:

  • Varuna: It is a pretty potent Ayurvedic herb used primarily for kidney stones. This herb prevents the formation of oxalates in The body.
  • Pashanabheda: Pashanabheda has anti-lithiasis properties and it helps break down kidney stones into small pieces inside the body. This way, Pashanabheda helps in A smooth flush-out of kidney stones from the body.
  • Gokshura: Gokshura’s anti-inflammatory properties improve renal functions. Regularly consuming this herb helps you get healthier kidneys.
  • Punarnava: Punarnava rejuvenates kidney tissues and promotes a healthy flush out of toxins from the body.
  • Herbal Teas: Herbal teas like green tea, chamomile tea, etc. improve renal functions, avoid dehydration and strengthen renal functions. Herbal teas are also effective in Strengthening the immunity of your body.

Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma is a therapeutic procedure where your body is cleansed from within. The five steps of Panchakarma are Vamana, Basti, Rakta Moksha, Virechana, and Nasya. Panchakarma primarily aims to remove toxins from the body, rectify the imbalance of doshas in The body, and strengthen the body’s immunity.

Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations

Some lifestyle and diet changes that are helpful for Kidney patients are:

  • Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water each day so that you are adequately hydrated. Keeping yourself well-hydrated helps in The prevention of kidney stones in The body.
  • A low-sodium diet keeps your blood pressure in Check. It also helps in Avoiding the formation of kidney stones in The body.
  • Drink lemon juice as lemon has a high citrate content that prevents the formation of kidney stones. However, consult with the nephrologist beforehand.
  • Animal-based proteins such as meat, fish, etc. should be consumed in Moderation, consuming a high amount of meat increases the production of creatinine in The body.
  • Exercise regularly as it promotes sweating. Our body removes toxins via sweat. However, if you are a kidney patient, then get advice from your doctor before doing any exercise.
  • Get adequate sleep. Our body repairs the damage accumulated in The body in Sleep.
  • Manage your stress well. Our body secretes cortisol when under stress. This hormone lowers immunity and negatively impacts our body. Yoga, breathing exercises, etc. are great ways to reduce stress.

Why Choose an ayurvedic ayurvedic kidney hospital in Sootea

Choosing an ayurvedic ayurvedic kidney hospital in Sootea means choosing the natural way to treat your disease. Since Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney diseases is non-invasive and rarely causes any side effects, your treatment remains safe. In Addition to this, Ayurvedic treatment is comprehensive in The sense that it also offers you diet tips and lifestyle recommendations that help you not just with your kidney diseases, but helps you with improving your overall health.

Patient Experience

When you book an appointment with an Ayurvedic doctor, you will primarily be asked about your symptoms, diet, medical history, and family history. A treatment plan is discussed with the patient only when the actual disease is diagnosed. Some of the tests that help with the diagnosis are:

  • Ultrasound scan
  • MRI scan
  • CT scan
  • Kidney Biopsy

Treatment Plan

When your actual disease is diagnosed by appropriate tests, doctors move on to the stage of devising the treatment plan. Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney diseases focuses on Ayurvedic herbs to treat the disease. You may also be advised on diet changes that help improve your kidney health.

Follow-up and Monitoring

Even after your treatment is over, a proper follow-up is vital so that doctors may look for Signs of a recurrence. You may also be advised to strictly adhere to your diet changes. It helps with the rehab process.


Ans. Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney diseases is based on Ayurveda, the health science that dates back to ancient times.

  • Q2. What are the salient features of an Ayurvedic kidney treatment?

Ans. It is non-invasive, uses herbs to treat the disease, and offers you an all-inclusive treatment for Your kidney ailments.

  • Q3. What are the herbs used for Treating kidney ailments in Ayurveda?

Ans. Some of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs to treat kidney ailments are Pashanabheda, Punarnava, Gokshura, Palaash, etc.

  • Q4. Can you reverse kidney damage via Ayurvedic herbs?

Ans. Unfortunately no, however, the progression of the disease can easily be slowed down with appropriate Ayurvedic herbs. Additionally, some herbs like Punarnava have been found effective in Regenerating kidney tissues.

  • Q5. Which is the best ayurvedic ayurvedic kidney hospital in Sootea?

Ans. Karma Ayurveda is the best Ayurvedic hospital for Kidney ailments. This hospital blends the rich wisdom of Ayurveda with modern medicinal practices to provide you with the best treatment for Your kidney diseases.

Patient Testimonials


Parvati Devi

Many claim to offer the best ayurvedic medicines but only a few keep their words. I have consulted many ayurvedic hospitals for my high creatinine level but did not get the right treatment. Then my friend advised me to consult Karma Ayurveda as the last option, and all I can say that last served as the best!


Dinesh Kumar Pathak

I still remember the day when I was diagnosed with renal failure I had no idea about. Consulting Doctor Puneet Dhawan was the best decision I took at that time.



It was a life changing experience meeting a doctor that understands the pain you are going through. No doubt, Dr. Puneet Dhawan is worth recommending to everyone.

Gyan Chand

Gyan Chand

Karma Ayurveda as the name suggests offers Ayurvedic medicines for every kidney-related problem. I had elevated levels of creatinine 3 months back when I first visited him, followed his advice and diet plan, and took ayurvedic medicines and got sincere results.



Thank you very much Doctor Puneet Dhawan for letting my wife lead a healthy life once again. She was not able to even walk because of a kidney stone. Your ayurvedic medicines work truly empathetically for her. Gratitude!

Patient Videos

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Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026