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Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Disease in Chittoor

Our kidneys are the filtering units of the body. They flush the toxins out of our body via urine. When damage accumulates in Your kidneys, it leads to a gradual buildup of wastes in The body. Left untreated, this can turn fatal. Ayurveda has treatment therapies that have been found effective in Curing various kidney ailments. Karma Ayurveda Hospital is a renowned name for Providing potent and cost-effective ayurvedic ayurvedic treatment for Kidney disease in Chittoor.

Ayurvedic viewpoint on kidney diseases

According to Ayurveda, an imbalance between the three doshas(vata, pitta, and kapha) in The body results in Diseases. According to Ayurveda, a build-up of Ama or toxins in The body is the primary reason behind kidney diseases. An extremely high concentration of Ama in The body results in Various kidney diseases. ayurvedic ayurvedic treatment for Kidney disease in Chittoor tries to pacify Ama and bring in The balance between the various doshas so that your ailments are treated comprehensively.

Major Kidney Diseases

Some of the most common kidney diseases are:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): CKD is a condition when your kidney’s functions start to decline in A progressive manner. Doctors usually term someone a CKD patient when their kidney functions have been deteriorating consistently for 3 months or more.
  • Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): AKI is a condition when waste materials like creatinine, urea, potassium, sodium, and other waste materials from the blood are not adequately filtered from the body.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): In Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a cluster of cysts starts to develop on the inside or outside of the kidneys. This disease is inherited. Though cysts are benign structures, many cysts start to negatively impact the routine functioning of the kidneys, leading to enlarged and swollen kidneys.
  • Kidney Stones: Kidney stone is the most common kidney disease. In Simple words, hardened deposits of minerals and salts that get accumulated in Your kidneys are referred to as kidney stones. If your stone size is large, you may experience extreme pain.

Ayurvedic ayurvedic treatment for Kidney disease in Chittoor

Ayurvedic treatment of kidney diseases focuses on addressing the root cause of the disease and makes use of herbal medicines to cure the ailment. Karma Ayurveda provides the best ayurvedic ayurvedic treatment for Kidney disease in Chittoor. The hospital specializes in Providing completely natural and riskless treatment for Various kinds of kidney diseases.

As briefly mentioned earlier, Ayurveda makes use of herbs like Punarnava, Gokshura, etc. to address the complexities of kidney diseases and cure them. You can find some details about these herbs below.

  • Punarnava: Punarnava is one of the best herbal medicines for Treating kidney diseases. It has rejuvenating and regenerative properties. Punarnava regenerates kidney tissues and also aids in Removing toxins from the body.
  • Varuna: A formation of oxalates in The body is one of the leading causes of kidney stones. Varuna has been found effective in Preventing the formation and build-up of this substance in The body.
  • Gokshura: This Ayurvedic herb has diuretic properties. It regulates a healthy flush out of toxins from the body. However, you must consume any Ayurvedic herb only after the consent of your healthcare provider.
  • Pippali: Indian Long Pepper or Pippali has anti-hyperglycemic, anti-lipid peroxidative, and antioxidant properties. This herb reduces oxidative stress in The kidney tissues.

Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma is an ancient therapeutic procedure that consists of five actions i.e. Vamana, Basti, Rakta Moksha, Virechana, and Nasya. This therapy effectively cleanses the body from within by balancing out the three doshas. There are a few reputed Ayurvedic hospitals like Karma Ayurveda in Your city that have healthcare professionals who are skilled at providing this treatment therapy.

Dietary Recommendations

For Kidney patients, consuming a kidney-friendly diet is as vital as taking medicines. A kidney-friendly diet improves your renal health and accelerates your rehab.

Must-Have Foods for Kidney Patients:

  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Garlic
  • Raspberries
  • Cranberries
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Cabbage
  • Grapes

Foods to Avoid:

  • High-protein foods such as meat, fish, etc. Animal-based protein should be particularly avoided.
  • Processed and canned foods
  • Foods with a high salt content
  • Brown Rice (due to a high concentration of Phosphorous)
  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Carbonated and Aerated Drinks

Lifestyle Modifications

Lifestyle modifications include incorporating an appropriate exercise routine into your daily life. Yoga not only improves flexibility, but doing it results in Stronger blood flow to the kidneys. Asanas like Salamba Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Setu Bandhasana, Shashankasana, Pawanmuktasana, etc. help in Improving overall renal health. However, do these asanas under the guidance of a Yoga teacher.

Treatment Journey

When going for The initial consultation regarding your kidney diseases, thoroughly answer the questions regarding your symptoms, diet, medical history, etc. This helps your healthcare provider evaluate your disease better and helps your doctor provide you with the best treatment suited to your medical needs.

Diagnostic Procedure and Tests:

  • Ultrasound scan
  • MRI scan
  • CT scan
  • Kidney Biopsy

Treatment Plan

You can go for Either a clinical or an Ayurvedic treatment. The best part about Ayurvedic treatment is that it is riskless, as Ayurvedic medicines rarely cause any side effects. In Addition to this, Ayurveda also helps you with your diet plan and lifestyle changes so that your renal health is perfect.

Follow-Up and Monitoring

Post your treatment, you must keep a tab on your health. If you notice any changes w.r.t your health, report it to your doctor. Doctors may also encourage you to keep up with the diet restrictions till your overall renal health improves.


  • Q1. What is a kidney disease?

Ans. In Simple terms, when your kidneys cannot properly filter the wastes out of your blood.

  • Q2. What are various treatment options available for Kidney diseases?

Ans. Ayurvedic treatment, clinical treatment, homeopathy, etc.

  • Q3. Is Ayurvedic treatment effective in Curing kidney diseases?

Ans. Extremely effective. Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney diseases utilizes the power of herbs to cure your ailments. Ayurvedic herbs do not have side effects and they manage the symptoms associated with kidney diseases well.

  • Q4. How is an Ayurvedic treatment different from other methods?

Ans. Conventional methods use allopathic medicines to cure the diseases. On the contrary, Ayurvedic medicines are risk-free as consuming them does not result in Any major side effects. Additionally, Ayurvedic treatment is comprehensive in The sense that it also guides patients on diet changes.

  • Q5. Are Ayurvedic herbs safe to consume?

Ans. Yes, Ayurvedic herbs have natural ingredients that make them safe to consume. However, it is always a good idea to consume any medicine after consulting with your doctor.

Patient Testimonials


Parvati Devi

Many claim to offer the best ayurvedic medicines but only a few keep their words. I have consulted many ayurvedic hospitals for my high creatinine level but did not get the right treatment. Then my friend advised me to consult Karma Ayurveda as the last option, and all I can say that last served as the best!


Dinesh Kumar Pathak

I still remember the day when I was diagnosed with renal failure I had no idea about. Consulting Doctor Puneet Dhawan was the best decision I took at that time.



It was a life changing experience meeting a doctor that understands the pain you are going through. No doubt, Dr. Puneet Dhawan is worth recommending to everyone.

Gyan Chand

Gyan Chand

Karma Ayurveda as the name suggests offers Ayurvedic medicines for every kidney-related problem. I had elevated levels of creatinine 3 months back when I first visited him, followed his advice and diet plan, and took ayurvedic medicines and got sincere results.



Thank you very much Doctor Puneet Dhawan for letting my wife lead a healthy life once again. She was not able to even walk because of a kidney stone. Your ayurvedic medicines work truly empathetically for her. Gratitude!

Patient Videos

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