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Diuresis is a medical condition in which the kidneys make extra urine to get rid of unwanted substances. Most people urinate about four to six times on an average, which may amount to 3 quarts of urine. However, people with diuresis urinate more often than this, even though they are on regular fluid intake. It may happen because of various reasons. Sometimes it may transpire after you consume a kind of medication or take a different diet than usual or associated with a risk of chronic illness. Whatever the cause, you may need to consult the best nephrologist in India.

What are the symptoms of diuresis?

The symptoms of diuresis may vary from person to person. One of the common signs that you can experience is a frequent urge to urinate more. Those with diuresis may go to the bathroom around 4 to 6 times a day. In addition to this, you may also have:

  • More thirst due to increased urine frequency
  • Poor sleep
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue, or weakness due to a mineral or electrolyte imbalance

Causes of diuresis

Diuresis may be caused due to certain medical and nonmedical conditions that result in increased urine output, including lifestyle factors.

  • Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes causes excess sugar to flow into the bloodstream. When this glucose-rich blood enters the kidneys, it can accumulate and block the fluid reabsorption process. This can result in increased urine output. As a result of diabetes, you may feel an urge to drink more.

  • Diuretics

Diuretics, which are called water pills are the medications that help the body produce more urine. Healthcare recommends or prescribed diuretics for conditions like hypertension, heart failure, or chronic kidney disease. During kidney disease, diuretic reduces swelling by excreting out more fluid and sodium from the body and allows the blood to move without extra fluid.

  • Hypercalcemia

It is a condition in which excess calcium circulates throughout the body. It is caused by overactive thyroid glands due to which the kidneys produce too much urine to excrete excess calcium out.


Ayurvedic herbs like parsley, green tea, black tea, dandelion roots are natural diuretics. Whenever you consume natural diuretics, the body produces too much urinate so as to detox the body. Also, caffeinated drinks and salt-rich foods can also through more urine out.

Cold temperatures

You might have noticed more urine in winters than summers due to exposure to cold temperatures. Even in summers, if you remain indoor using air conditioning more, you may be urinating more. This may happen because in cold temperatures blood vessels constrict more which raises blood pressure. In response to increased blood pressure, the kidneys try to excrete more fluid to bring down BP.


There are no diagnostics tests to know the symptoms or detect diuresis. Your healthcare team may test for medical conditions that swell the risk of diuresis or increased urination. During the appointment, you may be asked questions related to foods, drinks, or medications that you have been taking lately.


Passing too much urine can disturb the healthy balance of water, salt, and other minerals in the body. This can lead to the following conditions:

  • Hyponatremia

Hyponatremia occurs due to sodium deficiency in the body. The use of diuretics often leads to frequent urination, which decreases the sodium balance in the blood. The body is in great need of sodium to regulate and manage blood pressure levels. Sodium is also needed to support the nervous system.

  • Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia

Hyperkalemia is the presence of too much potassium in the body, while Hypokalemia refers to having too little potassium in the body. Both conditions can occur due to the use of diuretics. As an adequate amount of potassium is needed by the body, losing it may cause heart health, muscle contractions, and digestion.

  • Dehydration

Excessive urination may also need to dehydration. Without proper fluid levels in the body, the body’s temperature may go down. In addition, dehydration is also linked to kidney disease for which you may need to consult the best Ayurveda hospital in India.


In order to treat diuresis, you’ll need to treat the underlying cause. For instance, if the cause is diabetes, you need to manage the exceeded levels of blood sugar, or if the cause is medications, ask your doctor to change the medications, etc. If you are taking any herbal diuretic, it should be avoided.

Of chance, your kidney function is not accurate, you can consult Doctor Puneet Dhawan, the best nephrologist in India.

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