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Ayurvedic Treatment for Carcinoma

Cancer is one terrifying disease, isn’t it? Uncontrolled cell division leads to the formation of malignant masses or tumors that begin to impact the body. These tumors can metastasize, i.e. move to different parts of the body. Plus, they also ignore the programmed death of cells, scientifically known as apoptosis. One suffering from it can get overwhelmed by the constant medications, doctor visits, treatment costs, etc. that often accompany this disease. Western medicine, which often includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, is the most adopted approach to treat this disease, however, Ayurvedic treatment for carcinoma has also seen a significant interest from people worldwide.

Cancer Symptoms:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Persistent pain
  • Changes in skin texture (lumps, sores, or color)
  • Persistent hoarseness in the voice
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits
  • Unexplained bleeding
  • Chronic indigestion or nausea
  • Unusual lumps or swellings

Cancer Causes:

  • Genetic mutation
  • Family history
  • Excessive smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Exposure to chemicals, radiation, etc. for prolonged periods
  • Poor diet
  • Age and weakened immune system
  • Viral infections (e.g., HPV, hepatitis)
  • Environmental factors (pollution, UV radiation)

How Ayurveda Approaches Cancer

Cancer is seen in Ayurveda as a manifestation of the imbalance between the doshas inside the body. Poor diet, stress, toxins, and a weakened immune system are the major causes behind the imbalanced doshas inside the body. Ayurveda doesn’t claim to cure cancer outright, however, it is an excellent therapy to restore the balance of the doshas and strengthen immunity, which can help the body of the cancer patients cope with the symptoms better.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Carcinoma: Approaches

Dietary Changes: In Ayurveda, food is considered to be nothing short of medicine. Ayurveda recommends cancer patients eat a whole, balanced, and nourishing diet. Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are given the most importance in the Ayurvedic treatment for carcinoma. For instance, consuming leafy greens, berries, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower has been linked to stronger immunity in cancer patients. On the flip side, processed foods, sugar, and fried foods should not be a part of your menu, if you are a cancer patient irrespective of which stage you are in. Additionally, Ayurveda advocates the consumption of warm, easy-to-digest meals that support digestion. This reduces stress on the digestive system and results in better digestion of the meals.

Herbal Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for carcinoma is incomplete without herbs. Herbs that are often used to treat cancer in Ayurveda are:

  • Ashwagandha: A powerful adaptogen, Ashwagandha improves overall vitality in cancer patients. In addition, it has anti-cancer properties and inhibits proliferation of the cancerous cells in the body. Few compounds in ashwagandha may also encourage apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Ashwagandha's adaptogenic properties help alleviate stress and improve the overall quality of life in the cancer patients.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric has curcumin, a compound with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Oxidation due to free radicals in the body is often countered with this spice and it also helps reduce inflammation in the body. The compound curcumin in turmeric promotes apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells, while protecting the healthy cells from the damage. Turmeric enhances the activity of immune cells like T-cells and macrophages. These cells track down and counter cancerous cells.
  • Guduchi (Giloy): Giloy is one of the most potent Ayurvedic herbs as it has immune-boosting properties. Guduchi’s anti-inflammatory properties strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms. This Ayurvedic herb is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins, that help reduce oxidative stress in the body cells. This natural herb also supports liver health and aids in detoxification.
  • Brahmi: Brahmi has high levels of antioxidants, such as bacosides, that have the ability to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. This herb has been found helpful in reducing stress in cancer patients, which is indispensable for the quicker rehab of the patients. This herb may help protect DNA from damage caused by carcinogens.
  • Detoxification (Panchakarma): Panchakarma is a set of treatments intended to remove amas or toxins from the body. It supports the body’s natural healing properties and restores vitality in cancer patients. A thorough elimination of toxins helps improve the efficacy of the cancer treatment. However, get it done via a certified Panchakarma therapist for best results.
  • Stress Reduction and Mental Health: Cancer can create stress, a lot of it. Ayurveda acknowledges this problem and offers practices like yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breathing exercises) to bring a sense of calm and reduce anxiety in cancer patients. These practices may help support emotional healing. Just taking a few minutes each day to meditate and breathe deeply can significantly lower stress in cancer patients.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: A balanced and harmonious lifestyle is key to quicker rehab and Ayurveda advises lifestyle modifications like getting enough rest, exercising regularly (but not overexerting yourself), and not letting negativity cloud your mind. Keeping a positive mindset ensures that your body does not feel stressed. Ayurveda also advises cancer patients to create a schedule and stick to it. Mindfulness is another technique that is effective in calming the nerves down. In addition, secure a good night’s sleep daily to accelerate rehab and alleviate your symptoms.

Note - Keep in mind, that these herbs should be used in conjunction with other therapies, and some of them may interact with treatment therapies like chemo and radiation. Always have a detailed consultation with your healthcare provider before consuming herbs.

Integrating Ayurveda with Conventional Treatment

You should remember that Ayurveda has its limitations. It cannot fully replace traditional treatment methods like chemotherapy or radiation, especially, if the cancer has reached the later stages. Additionally  further substantiation of the Ayurvedic treatments via studies is the need of the hour to buffer up the case of Ayurvedic treatment being a potent weapon against the fight against cancer. However, incorporating Ayurveda as a complementary treatment approach can work wonders, as Ayurvedic practices have been shown to reduce the magnitude of the symptoms in cancer patients, and improve overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

Ayurvedic cancer treatment is entirely focused on holistic healing, i.e. it aims to balance the body’s energies (doshas) in a way so that there is minimal toxin build-up in the body. The use of herbal remedies, diet modifications, detoxification methods, and lifestyle changes is instrumental in quickening the rehab in cancer patients. While some Ayurvedic herbs like turmeric, ashwagandha, and guduchi have potent anti-cancer properties, Ayurvedic treatments should mostly be used as complementary support to traditional cancer treatment methods like chemo and radiation therapy. If you experience symptoms associated with cancer, it is better to consult with your doctor right away for a brighter prognosis.

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